

Struggling with or recovering from an eating disorder can feel like an overwhelming mystery. Here at BALANCE, we believe knowledge is power. The BALANCE Blog is a place to find value, education, and inspiration for recovery wherever you are on your journey.

– Welcome.

Does Springtime Spark Eating Disorders?

Seasonal changes impact eating disorders, especially in the summertime. It is essential to stay mindful of some of the unique pressures around food and body image that people might experience this time of year. From peer pressure to dieting trends, and body-focused conversations, here are some reminders to help reduce recovery-related stress this season. Do you feel the urge to try a fad diet when the weather is warmer? Do you feel pressure to have the idealized body for the coming spring and summer? These are valid feelings, and you are not alone in having them. Many people across

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What Is Pica Eating Disorder?

Pica is a less common eating disorder compared to anorexia and bulimia, but this eating disorder still has negative effects on individuals. Pica occurs when individuals eat items without nutritional value, such as ice. Although they may consume harmless items, the disorder can progress and take a dangerous turn, but treatment is available.  What Is Pica? Pica is known as an eating disorder, where instead of eating foods, individuals consume things that carry no nutritional value, such as ice and other dangerous items, such as soap, dirt, paint, glue, and metal. Pica comes from the Eurasian magpie, a bird species known

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What Are The Symptoms of Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders impact a person’s relationship with food and their body. Eating disorders can affect anyone regardless of body size, gender, age, and culture. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of various eating disorders so they can be detected early and treated with proper intervention. Below are four common eating disorders and symptoms of these eating disorders. There are more eating disorders than listed in this blog post. It is also important to note that everyone experiences eating disorders differently and that not everyone will experience all of these signs. Likewise, people may also exhibit symptoms not

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Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2024

Have you ever wondered if you or someone you love has an eating disorder? What signs would you look for? What symptoms could an eating disorder include? In honor of Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW), we’ll cover eating disorders, the early signs of eating disorders, the types and associated symptoms of different eating disorders, ways to find support, and tips for supporting someone in eating disorder recovery. Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) is an opportunity to educate the public about eating disorders as well as provide hope and support for individuals and families who are affected by eating disorders. This

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How Eating Disorders Mirror Relationships

Take a moment to reflect on a meaningful relationship in your life– this could be your dynamic with a friend, partner, parent, or sibling. What makes this relationship special? Is it the unwavering support they offer? Their presence through thick and thin? The way they make you feel valued and loved? Now, take all those feel-good emotions, and there you have it: you now understand how it feels to have a relationship with an eating disorder (and why it can be so difficult to let them go). In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the parallels between eating disorders

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Eating Disorders and Men

Eating disorders are typically associated with women, with symptoms more commonly appearing in young girls and adults. However, eating disorder behaviors, such as fasting and obsessing over one’s body image, can affect men as well. The stereotype that men do not experience symptoms of eating disorders is harmful and stigmatizing. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, one in three people with an eating disorder are men, with approximately ten million men in the United States experiencing one (Smith, 2023). Women are typically associated with higher rates of eating disorders; however, men are at risk as well, with athletes and gym

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Eating Disorders And Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is one of the many exciting holidays people look forward to celebrating yearly. Stores fill their aisles with decorations, partners and friends celebrate their relationships, and people enjoy sweet treats or a fancy dinner. However, individuals who are in eating disorder recovery may not feel celebratory when this love-filled holiday rolls around and may experience stress and discomfort. Why Can Valentine’s Day Be Challenging In Eating Disorder Recovery?  Valentine’s Day is when individuals are still in the thick of winter and want to share love with their family members, best friends, and romantic partners. TV shows and

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Showing Yourself Love This Valentine’s Day

Each year, when Valentine’s Day rolls around, we focus on how to make our loved ones feel loved. Fuzzy stuffed animals stock the store shelves, restaurants receive call after call for dinner reservations, and we think of the perfect way to ask that special someone if they will be our Valentine. However, one person is usually left out of this chaotic storm of love – and that person is you. For someone with an eating disorder, self-compassion and self-love are vital assets that could ride shotgun on the road to recovery.  What if you could be your own Valentine

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Eating Disorders and Social Media: Building Yourself a Safe Space

For a long time, social media has been blamed for impacting eating disorder development and continuation. Comparing yourself to others and their highlight reels can hurt more than just body image. That being said, it’s essential to set yourself up for helpful content on these sites instead of scrolling through posts and accounts that are not helpful. Social Media Can Be The Thief Of Comparison Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, you name it, you’ve probably used it or have an account. And while the number of content creators and people to follow grows, the type of content being shared often

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How To Treat Binge Eating Disorder

Although Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is one of the most common eating disorders in the United States, it is not nearly as mainstream as other eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. However, binge eating disorder is more common than anorexia and bulimia combined. As a mental health practitioner at an eating disorder clinic, I see many patients diagnosed and being treated for binge eating disorder. It seems people are not as aware of this eating disorder, or they do not “count” or “consider” binge eating disorder an eating disorder, which becomes a barrier to reaching out for help.  BED

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Our intake process provides expert guidance for determining the best treatment path for you. We strive to take the confusion and overwhelm out of the process.