

Struggling with or recovering from an eating disorder can feel like an overwhelming mystery. Here at BALANCE, we believe knowledge is power. The BALANCE Blog is a place to find value, education, and inspiration for recovery wherever you are on your journey.

– Welcome.

Five Ways to Make Movement More Enjoyable

Moving your body can feel like a chore. Or it could also bring up negative feelings if you have a history of overexercising or a problematic relationship with your body. Diet culture tells us that physical activity is a means to lose weight or alter our bodies. This mentality often results in these activities feeling more like a punishment or chore than a form of self-care. However, movement can be pleasant if you adjust your mindset toward it.

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Navigating Ambivalence in Eating Disorder Recovery

Feeling caught between not wanting to recover and wanting to recover is a normal and understandable part of many people’s experience with eating disorders. This ambivalence about recovery makes sense, given the role many people’s eating disorders play in their lives.

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Tips for Navigating Body Image Distress During Spring Break

Sunscreen, warmth from the sun, time spent by the pool, and uncontrollable laughs are ingredients in one of the most sought-after times of the year: spring break. After a long winter of coats, snow, and chilly days, spring break reminds us summer is just around the corner. While spring break can be an extremely relaxing and fun time, it can also bring about intense body image distress.

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An Argument for Yoga as Part of Eating Disorder Recovery

Beginning eating disorder recovery can be overwhelming. For many, beginning recovery signals an active choice to relearn the body’s cues, often the first thing to go when developing or maintaining an eating disorder. Because of this tendency to see one’s body as an enemy, learning to love your hunger cues, rest cues, energy cues, and discomfort is exhausting. And while there are many components to recovery, yoga has recently been studied for its focus on being present and listening to your body.

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Body Trust and Set Point Theory

We live in a world that teaches us from a young age that we cannot trust our bodies. Society tells you that your body needs to be controlled, changed, or manipulated to be “good enough.” Living with these pressures can be very difficult. You are not alone if you have tried to change your body to reflect these unattainable standards; this way of operating has failed you, and you have not failed to adhere.

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Eating Disorders And Ramadan

Ramadan is a period of religious observation from March 22nd to April 20th, 2023. The Muslim community observes Ramadan as a time for fasting, prayers, and reflection. However, Ramadan can be a triggering time for individuals with an eating disorder.

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4 Tangible Reasons to Heal Your Relationship with Food

If you or someone you love struggles with food and body distress, you are not alone. Unfortunately, over 30 million Americans struggle with eating disorders. When we talk about healing, we often talk about how important recovery is, what it involves, and how you can get there. But where is there? Recovery can feel like a leap of faith into the unknown, so here are four tangible reasons to heal your relationship with food.

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The Foundation Of Recovery Starts With Your Confidential Intake.

Our intake process provides expert guidance for determining the best treatment path for you. We strive to take the confusion and overwhelm out of the process.