
Fact Check Your Feed: Debunking Diet Misinformation

Get the inside scoop on what’s fact and what’s fiction in your feed.

Scrolling through TikTok or IG, you’ll probably come across inspirational, funny, or even educational posts…

What’s also woven throughout your feed?

Diet Culture Lies.

Have you ever compared yourself to an influencer and wondered “what they do” to look like that?

Or even scrolled through your feed and saw a food, diet, or exercise post?

Diet Culture is a part of the fabric of social media. While seemingly innocent and harmless, these messages have a huge negative impact.

Diet Culture messaging in your news feed is more toxic than the “toxins” the latest juice cleanse will supposedly “fix.”

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You might be asking yourself:

“Does this celebrity-endorsed product actually work?”

Is diet culture really in my feed?”

“If I want my body to look like theirs, shouldn’t I follow their advice?”

They say they’re an expert. How could they be wrong?”

What can I do to protect my loved one from diet culture on social?”

How do I know what the truth is online?”

It’s time to Fact Check Your Feed!

And we’re here to help you.

What to expect?

BALANCE Registered Dietitian Quinn Haisley (she/they) will explore how diet culture messages infiltrate your feed and potentially impact your relationship with food and your body.

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