
Eating Disorders And Ramadan

Ramadan is a period of religious observation from March 10th to April 9th, 2024. The Muslim community observes Ramadan as a time for fasting, prayers, and reflection. However, Ramadan can be a triggering time for individuals with an eating disorder. Ramadan is a month dedicated to Muslims as part of their religious observance. The belief that […]

Eating Disorders And Ramadan

Ramadan is a period of religious observation from March 22nd to April 20th, 2023. The Muslim community observes Ramadan as a time for fasting, prayers, and reflection. However, Ramadan can be a triggering time for individuals with an eating disorder.

Eating Disorder Recovery During Ramadan

Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, is highly anticipated by Muslims worldwide. However, Muslims recovering from or suffering from eating disorders may approach the month with dread. Fasting all day and eating at night can dredge up, triggering eating disordered thoughts and habits. This Ramadan, beware of your intentions and remember that there are ways to observe Ramadan without sacrificing your mental health.

The Connection Between Eating Disorders and Ramadan

Food often brings people together during major cultural holidays. Families often share recipes, traditions, and rituals which may symbolize the meaning and importance of their culture and religion. Although some holidays are more celebratory than others, some holidays these can contribute to eating disorder behaviors.