
Can You Be A Vegan In Eating Disorder Recovery?

Some celebrate new beginnings and set resolutions at the beginning of a calendar year. You may feel pressured to find a “new you” in the New Year. It is common for folks to set intentions to commit to a new exercise routine or diet. You may hear more about plant-based lifestyles like vegan and vegetarian. […]

Eating Disorders and Veganism

According to food trend analysts, veganism was the number one food trend in 2020. Veganism is a way of living that avoids any products derived from animals. When it comes to the diet, this means avoiding consuming all animal products, including meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, seafood, and even honey. Veganism can also be used to practice sustainability, as animal agriculture produces higher levels of carbon emissions. Although veganism may be the most practical choice for someone with these beliefs, the risks of this diet are significant to consider.

Pursuing Veganism in Eating Disorder Recovery

Many people may feel pressured to commit to a vegan lifestyle for a variety of reasons, but when a vegan diet overlaps with eating disorder recovery, things can get sticky. You deserve to commit to a beneficial diet, prioritize your health, and wait until you are ready to go vegan – without any repercussions on your recovery.