
The Relationship Between College Drinking and Eating Disorders

College is a new stage of life, full of new beginnings. It is a time to discover who you want to be and where you want to end up—a time to make new, lifelong friendships. For many people, this is a time full of change. Along with the stress of academics, relationships, work, and discovering […]

Applying To College In Eating Disorder Recovery

High school students are often asked what they want to do with life and what college they want to attend. As a senior, the stress of figuring out what you want to do after high school can be challenging, and the impact of an eating disorder can make the application process more daunting for students. […]

3 Tips for Navigating the Spring Semester of College in Eating Disorder Recovery

Students return to college campuses for the spring semester after the holiday season ends and the winter months arrive in full force. The transition can be challenging, especially when getting back into a routine and starting classes again with peers. The re-acclimation of returning to college can also be difficult for individuals who are in […]

5 Tips for Starting a New Semester at College in Eating Disorder Recovery

The semester break is wrapping up, and a new course schedule of classes awaits. Exams, papers, assignments, and readings are quickly approaching, and you may feel nervous, anxious, or excited about the coming spring semester. This array of emotions may bring about eating disorder thoughts and symptoms used to cope with these changes.

Navigating Finals Season in ED Recovery

Finals season is coming up, which inevitably brings stress to students. As a student, you often juggle a packed schedule of exams, research papers, assignments, and other commitments at home or at work. When you are busy, it can be challenging to prioritize taking care of yourself, and you may feel like you are regressing in your ED recovery.

How Bullying Can Impact Eating Disorders

It is no secret that our society has a severe problem with bullying. Bullying is harming people from school playgrounds to social media comment sections. The negative impact of bullying on a person’s mental health has a distinct correlation to the development and persistence of eating disorders.

Starting a New School Year in Eating Disorder Recovery

As the summer months come to an end, the stress of another school year arises. The pressure of grades, assignments, exams, and deadlines start, along with feelings of anxiety, perfection, and uncertainty. The need for control and stability arises and with those needs, eating disorder thoughts and behaviors often increase. Hence, it is important to acknowledge that the coming school year may trigger or worsen disorder thoughts and behaviors. However, it is more important to discuss some skills that will help you to maintain recovery and navigate these stressors.

Navigating an Eating Disorder In College

The transition from high school to college can be difficult for young adolescents. There is a sense of uncertainty and naivety for individuals starting out college in a brand new place away from their parents. But with this tremendous pressure and the intoxication of social media, individuals may fall victim to an eating disorder that can impact one’s education.