
Eating Disorder Handbook for School Professionals

Know the signs and show support.

The prevalence of eating disorders is rising, and adolescence is the most common age of onset.

As a school professional, you may have already experienced the profound impact of eating disorders on a student’s ability to engage in school. Watching a student who was previously thriving slip into patterns of disengagement, declining performance and social withdrawal is deeply concerning.

The stark reality is that eating disorders have the second highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders. Early detection is the key to successful recovery.

Your rapport with a student who is struggling with an eating disorder could be life-saving. We created this handbook for school professionals like you to empower you to learn about eating disorders, how they affect your students, and how to inspire change and recovery.

Download our Handbook for School Professionals to help you elevate how you support your students who struggle with food and body image.

You can support your students with the right tools. 

This handbook will give you the tools to...

  • Debunk common eating disorder myths and learn the truth 
  • Understand various eating disorders and their subtypes
  • Recognize the behavioral and personality traits of a student with an eating disorder
  • Support students struggling with food and body image distress
  • Voices your concern with a list of accessible conversation starters
  • Learn about different types of eating disorder treatment and how to refer to BALANCE.

You are on the front lines of education. Equip yourself with the tools you need to make a potentially life-saving difference for your students. Download the Handbook for School Professionals, and unlock the insights you need today. 


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