Where it started:

Last February, Weight Watchers announced they’d be offering free memberships to teens.

BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ responded with the launch of our #WakeUpWeightWatchers campaign.

Thousands all over the world joined together to speak up. The #WakeUpWeightWatchers hashtag was trending Worldwide on Twitter and brought attention to the dangerous teen program with media coverage from Teen Vogue, NY Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, BuzzFeed, The New York Times, and many more.

Ultimately, Weight Watchers postponed the launch of the free program. Yet, knowing this won’t be the first or last time a weight loss company tries to prey on children for profit, our team wanted to continue our campaign by creating a valuable free resource for teens and their families.

We strongly believe that finding and providing a life of freedom outside of diet culture should not be a privilege.  

The purpose of the E-book:

In an effort to continue educating teens, families and the general population about the dangers of diet culture, we brought together nearly 150 experts and advocates to create ‘Redefining Wellness,’ a free downloadable resource for teens that provides information on living happier, healthier lives without an emphasis on weight loss.

What is the goal of the e-Book?

The main goal of the ‘Redefining Wellness’ e-Book is to provide people of all genders, racial and ethnic identities, nationalities and documentation status, abilities, sizes, and socioeconomic backgrounds with reliable information that focuses on wellness, not weight loss.

What’s Inside?

  • How to deal with the pressures of social media
  • How to stay mindful and take care of yourself
  • Moving your body joyfully (not to burn calories!)
  • Information on eating disorder symptoms
  • Recovery tips for those struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating habits
  • Learn why diets don’t work
  • Identify Diet Culture and fight it
  • Tips to let go of the Diet Mentality
  • All about Intuitive Eating
  • What Weight Stigma & Fatphobia are
  • Benefits of the Health at Every Size approach
  • How to accept your body as it is
  • Tips on finding self-worth outside of appearance


  • Lists of resources to help you on your journey to true wellness
  • AND a ton of information specifically curated for parents, guardians & caretakers!


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